COVID-19 and pastoralists in Eastern Africa

Several papers, statements and blogs are appearing about the effects of the coronavirus and especially of the associated lockdown measures of governments in Eastern Africa on the lives and livelihoods of pastoralists – but also lessons for dealing with coronavirus uncertainties that can be learnt from pastoralists. Some of these publications can be found below.

In addition, the global Food Security Cluster Technical Working Group on COVID-19, of which LEGS (Livestock Emergency Guidelines & Standards) is a member, has produced this document on livestock and  COVID-19: Guidance for emergency livestock actions in the context of COVID-19: Addressing emerging needs related to the pandemic and reprogramming ongoing critical activities. The document seeks to provide guidance to all partners and stakeholders, including governments and players along the livestock value chain, in contexts already experiencing or at risk of high levels of acute food insecurity in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. To download the guidance, click here.

Posted on 20 December 2020 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition