Video (page 1)

Pastoralism is the future – animated video

Man-made climate change is creating conditions on our planet that are increasingly characterised by variability and unpredictability. Pastoralists use variability to their advantage. Their production systems guide us to a sustainable future. Find out how they do it in this 2:23-min animated video: This video film was created by Cartoonbase and realised by CELEP […]

CELEP webinar on “Pastoralism and food security & nutrition”

On 15 December 2020, CELEP member Concern Worldwide organised a webinar on “How pastoralism adds to food security and nutrition”. The aim was to provide an overview of the critical linkages between livestock production and human nutrition outcomes in pastoral contexts. The speakers were: Regine Kopplow, Senior Adviser for Food and Nutrition Security and leader […]

CELEP webinar on “Enabling policy for pastoralists”

On 25 November 2020, a webinar entitled “Towards an enabling policy environment for African pastoralists” was organised by SNV and the Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) as part of their engagement in the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP). It was planned in close collaboration with staff from the AU (African Union), […]

CELEP invited to speak about Covid-19 to European Parliament’s Development Committee

On 3 December 2020, upon invitation of the European Parliament (EP), the European Focal Point of CELEP, Koen Van Troos, took part in a parliamentary session organised by the EP Development Committee. Koen explained how the current crisis related to the outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting pastoralists in Eastern Africa. In May 2020, CELEP had […]

Video on Participatory Rangeland Management

A number of external and internal forces are putting pressure on rangeland resources, often leading to overuse and degradation and conflicts between rangeland users, including pastoralists. Specific ways to deal with these challenges have been developed over the years, including improved rangeland management approaches. In Ethiopia, Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) has been adopted as an […]

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