European Parliament condemns land grabbing in Tanzania

An urgent resolution of the European Parliament (12 March 2015) condemning serious cases of land grabbing in Tanzania can be found here:

Plenary Session Press release – Development and Cooperation / External Relations − 12-03-2015 – 12:24


Human rights: The issue of land grabbing in Tanzania

Members of the European Parliament strongly condemn the “illegal displacement of local rural communities, the destruction of their villages and traditional way of life, and the violation of their basic human rights” and actions that do not recognise the legitimacy of customary tenure arrangements that provide statutory rights for individuals and communities. They call on the Tanzanian Government to immediately implement the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)’s Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT).

They ask the Commission to ensure the alignment of its land policy guidelines with the VGGT, and to report to Parliament on expenditure under development programmes and the EU budget related to land governance, with a view to ensuring that those programmes promote human rights.

The resolution was passed by show of hands.

This resolution was based on inputs received from CELEP partners in Tanzania.

Posted on 12 March 2015 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism, Policy & Power