CELEP in Maasai International Solidarity Alliance (MISA)

MISA is an international alliance standing in solidarity with the Maasai of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Loliondo in northern Tanzania. It brings together faith-based organisations, human rights organisations, international aid and development organisations as well as researchers. The alliance includes the Africa Europe Faith Justice Network (AEFJN), Agrecol Association for AgriCulture & Ecology, Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP), Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE, International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity), Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN), Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz (KOO, Coordinating Office of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference), Misereor and Welthaus Graz.

MISA’s main objective is to put an end to the human rights violations facing the Maasai of northern Tanzania. In May–June 2023, it organised a lobbying tour in Germany, Austria, Belgium and Italy, which enabled a Maasai delegation to voice concerns to European decision-makers. MISA supports the voices of grassroots organisations representing the Maasai at local level, such as PINGOs Forum and Pastoral Women Council (PWC), which are in regular contact with affected communities and their representatives, including traditional leaders, women, youth and councillors / village chairpersons. MISA is also supported by Tanzanian lawyers representing the Maasai in several court cases that have been launched to address violations of their land rights.

Posted on 19 August 2023 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism, Policy & Power