Sustainable pastoralism & rangelands in Africa

The FAO Regional Office for Africa brought out a special edition of the Nature & Faune journal (Vol. 31, No. 2) on “Sustainable pastoralism and rangelands in Africa” (2017, 74pp), edited by Ndiaga Gueye. The 16 articles cover diverse aspects of pastoralism and rangeland management in Africa, including a review of issues, challenges and practices; youth perspectives on pastoralism; land tenure systems; effect of traditional rangeland management practices on vegetation structure and biomass; changing roles of women in pastoralist societies; and environmental impacts of land management in eco-tourism where pastoral livestock and wildlife co-exist. Most of the articles refer to transhumant pastoralism in Eastern Africa.

Posted on 19 November 2017 in Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism, Gender & Youth, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure