Role and value of pastoralism

A 4-page position paper of the Coalition of European Lobbies on Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) on Recognising the role and value of pastoralism and pastoralists has been updated and published as CELEP Policy Brief 1.

We, the Coalition of European Lobbies on Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP), regard pastoralism as a rational and viable economic land-use system able to generate significant returns in the dryland areas of Eastern Africa. Widespread misunderstanding about pastoralism has left it often under-protected, undervalued and an unintended victim of uninformed policies. However, this traditional livelihood system, which evolved as an adaptive strategy for thriving in some of the world’s harshest regions, is ideally suited to the climatic and economic uncertainties of our turbulent century. Therefore, informed and supportive policies need to be developed and implemented to realise the tremendous potential of pastoralism.

Posted on 23 May 2017 in CELEP Documents, General Policy Documents, Value of Pastoralism