Ethiopia’s strategy to manage Prosopis in rangelands

In Ethiopia, the invasive species Prosopis juliflora is threatening pastoral and agropastoral livelihoods as well as biodiversity in national parks. The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has developed a strategic approach to control and manage Prosopis, particularly in pastoral areas. The National Strategy on Prosopis juliflora management (2017, 38pp) issued by GoE’s Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries aims to i) prevent the expansion of Prosopis to uninvaded areas, ii) reclaim and restore invaded areas after Prosopis clearance and iii) sustainably manage Prosopis for productive use and increasing biodiversity through regulation and coordination of initiatives to manage Prosopis. Development partners, government experts and other practitioners are being asked to support pastoralists and agropastoralists to implement the Strategy for a more harmonised approach to Prosopis control and management so that they can benefit from more productive livestock grazing more productive rangelands.

Posted on 13 February 2017 in Pastoralism & Natural Resources