Conflict and peace in Karamoja, Uganda

In early 2013, a field study was made on The impact of VSF-Belgium’s interventions on conflict in Karamoja. It focuses on two geographical areas of Uganda where VSF-Belgium has been operating since 2007:  Moroto and Kaabong Districts. After outlining the history of conflict in the area, the 49-page report describes the work of VSF-Belgium, in which peacebuilding is a crosscutting theme. It then assesses the impact of this work on the conflict situation, using the “Do No Harm” approach. It shows that the project can influence the situation through resource transfers and an implicit ethical message. Finally, it explores the options for programming in a conflict-sensitive way. The conclusions include recommendations for VSF-Belgium and other stakeholders (government, security providers, other NGOs) for peacebuilding interventions

Posted on 7 October 2013 in Pastoralism & Peacebuilding